The personalised gift market is booming and one of the most recent trends is tooth jewellery; usually, this involves having jewels attached to the teeth but teeth are becoming an increasingly popular form of jewellery in their own right. Cutting edge designers are now using milk teeth as a design concept for pieces of unique jewellery. Some designers use specific children’s teeth to create a keepsake for their parents, while others use random teeth to create unique, quirky designs.

Some people may think it’s a really nice idea to turn their children’s teeth into a piece of jewellery, while others may find a bit odd. As with most design concepts, it’s a matter of individual choice and style. If you don’t like the idea of jewellery but you want to find a nice way to keep your child’s milk teeth, you may consider other ideas, such as storing them in a trinket.

If you don’t like the idea of having full teeth in a piece of jewellery, you can also now choose to have them ground down to be made into pieces which do not look like they are made from teeth. The tooth material can be used to create tiny stars or hearts, for example, in a silver or gold piece of jewellery. This way, you can keep your child’s teeth without wearing a full tooth on you, which some people may feel is a bit strange.